Social Life Advice

Hello, everyone I like to say a big welcome to my life story. I am willing to share some of my story with social problems that I have faced. For so many years, I have had a single social life that really didn't score on me at all, so I am very upset about the many of my life last past month did it gone down poor and illness problem with not having the chance to go out and about in the community at all so I am sure that I really like to share some story life with everyone in the world I mean don't think that Ashley did because all of you don't know me until I come famous for the first time that might help you all out there to have a better lifestyle in himself where you can get the chance to the things that you want to do anyway.  

So let me tell you about not having the chance to get out there and do the things I want to do them and I stay in my bedroom all day and every most of the day but that wasn't enough when I was a young kid and now look at myself when you all see becoming to the community and going to shopping and going to play football with my support worker best of our hearts.

When it was a boring life staying at home and doing nothing like I am bored I want to go out and about doing things like trips out for the day but my parents didn't though about the money at first than saying everything cost money which I agree with them anyway but the issue is that everyone have the right to socialized everyone have the right to be with their friends as long as they are doing the heath and safety rules following the government rules and laws and legal rules  as well but with me I never get the big opportunity to go out and about doing things like I want to go out with my friends on my own but  the problem is that it always parent not relying on the kids  responsibility action but that not an enough I didn't go out for 40 years or either I didn't even go out and about socializing with the age groups.

I didn't go out to the clubs before my mum ending seeing the behaviour of me and my brother and sister behavioural  issue anyway but that wasn't good enough they could else go on a autism course before but my mum can't she has cancer my dad had to give up the two or three or more jobs so that wasn't a single good enough for none of the used families when we don't even get the chance to go and about in the world in the community so I never had the opportunity to socialize with other and going to a youth club before parent starts looking into those things anyway but the good news is that I got the chance to go to  youth club after school but the issue was is that never had the chance to make any form of friendship at all when I was there had a chat with the youth club most of the time but the chance is that I haven't had the chance because of my mental health issue affecting my behaviour all the time. 

 So I really do think that going through those hardest part of the year is wasn't good enough in  my own words here are some few things that it wasn't many ways of making friends at my old college school or youth clubs so I really like to give everyone the chance to think about me either you don't really know me has I am a stranger to other stranger so please do think that you might not get the chance to make friends unless you tell your parent or school teacher or anyone in the world what might be an issue stopping you from making friends some of you might already learn how to make friends at your old school or college or youth clubs.    

So I like to give some fatalistic skills in social life than not having a single social life in those poor young kids and young adult who are shy to not bring the biggest challenge on them self.  

1. how to make friends and how to start friends for every this is a biggest problems that I had over the past months ago I never had the chance to make friends because of my mental heath and not having the right guiltiness for this to happen for me no way it never going to happen without the real truth about autism service is coming to everyone life this year.  

2. I am very disappointed fact about not masking form of friendships not because the word called can't which we all understand that can't does not exist in the world if it does then we all be saying I can't make any form of  (friendships or relationships ) Is that what the matter with me not making form of friends or having a nice girlfriend instead to go out which I like to talk bit more about the girlfriends and boyfriends anyway in next sessions talks we will be dissension on the relationship that most people are just falling all the time because they just want dumb  each other without understanding about the skills anyway.  

So  here is the real side of the tips and tricks how to make friends in a good respecting way guys that go for kids and young adult. 

First before I get into the skills and tips and trick for those need help making friend then please just let tell you that their some few things that every kid and young adult as well adult please do me a big favour and listen up I have few words that making friend is possible it is when you have the very good and very good expert into this world that teaching you all out there with from being  alone to not being alone.  

3. is you need not be shy even I will understand about people shyness and nervousness scarceness
lonely left outstanding by them self so those are few mine keywords that some people are going to be felt they are not been teach about socializing life in lessons but that okay I shall be teaching everyone how to make new friends or getting a girlfriend or boyfriend for this is  who are female will be going for boyfriends those who make will be going for girlfriends so I am going to get starting teaching you guys before I get into any further details on those things anyway.  

What I usually do is that making friends is going to be hard for some of you but no more of this hard life trying to make friends here is the below this page is a guide through the issue of making friends. Also, make sure that they are the same age in school or college youth clubs residential placement and lot more out there. 

Today topic is talking about different ways that some people say things when it comes to making new friends which are okay for those words that I am going to keep talking about because better than saying what up blood what dude what up man what up stranger what geez those things sometimes might have people thinking what that word got to with saying hello in nice manager or nice way without them thinking it going to take them it funded by the word especially for autism.  kids young adult teenager that does not understand those words. 

1. say hello 

say hello is one of the good ways to make new form of friendships but sometimes when I think wait minute how can I say Hello if I am shy or nervous well you guys might say you classically sometimes  it hard for me to say hello many years back because I was but shy and nervous agitated on how I was feeling that time when shy is always going to be affected by mental health crises  So if you think that mental health affect by some form of behaviour which stopping the hello from someone who say hey or hello yeah that means that the mental health will stop everything if this mental health takes forever then you will need to investigate.

2.  say what is your name 

There are ways that some people will attend to say hey what your name Hello what is your name which some people have different choice on what they rather say sometimes its difficulties to say hello without support in saying (hello Hey)

3.  say what is your age before you make form of friendships with them 

well I like to be honest about that some time  people need to make sure that when they meet someone that they do not age with them but the problem when I was at school I had not choice to suffer from mental health more than thinking everyone is made new friends more than I didn't  do so because it all boils to the fact of mental health issue more than anything else just like communication wire;s not skills and friendship relationships skills or any form of social skills but I was picking up the age randomly. 

4. say how are you doing today 

Well we are going to be finishing of talking about how are you doing today in another word which will be like hey how are you doing today Hi how are you doing those few main word that subscribes different ways some people say when it comes to meeting up new person they do not know or they do not know them well but got to them well afterwards.

5. say have you got any form of networking site we like to keep touch  with each other   

 Well moving on to a word that say  have you got any form of social networking site so we keep in touch with each other in the future when we do  finish our courses we move forward afterwards  this is a hard part for many of people for those who really are not capable of being able to take any form of-of notices when it comes to getting in touch with each when they have not been given a name of the networking site that they been using many years ago this related to friendships.

Sometimes some people might think oh right a minute Yes I do have a social networking site that would something that people will have to understand about giving out social networking site for those who are very fussy about things is I give you an example for one of them now.

1, say hi have you got any form of social networking site so we keep in touch this one where I shall found things strange for meeting up with new people is when I went to a course which is autism west midlands I met up with some that might be a close friend he thinks that I might not be trusted guy or I might not be a  nice guy friendly but he might think I might be nasty guy Horrible Guy selfish guy I am  really talking about myself behind anyone on here who think he might think I am just giving you a some few explain why so many people would be like that because cautious on who they meet up with or who they are going to hand out with people that just them the way they think when the brains tell them about that kind of thinking in their life history.

2, Sometimes people will give out their Facebook name or twitter name Myspace other social networking site that are so popular out there  so you can see why sometimes people are cautious about giving out anything well that just them if that person takes longer to give out to them then well  the only I can remind you all who is struggling to make new form of friends is getting to them know you know them as well keep the conversations flowing throw those tips and tricks I give you all out there.

3, The only way around is that you can give them your email or social networking site if those kind of people are been so cautious about how your reaction going to be between them and you and they might be caution on the safety side of this because sometimes people are cautious about lot of things lately one is that they do not know anyone but they are taking a longer time to be getting to know them the longer they take more you think that guess what I just had enough after I been trying to chat with them such a long time they still been cautious about things if they are doing to wide up them well just leave them alone and they are not going to be taking their life to next level state at all guys that what I am saying to you  if I were with a friend name with Liam I had a good chat with Liam I got to know Liam well  I kept chatting with them he still refuse to be taking his own time on things and been cautious about things then well My advice this is my opinion what I think about people lately is the few straightly based on the main task that everyone might need to know about this is.

Here is few key point for those who have the problem with people been cautious about things is 

think stop and  do mean a lot of you do not do that much of the way of when someone  is been refused in the way they are being cautious about making new friends then walk away found someone else who can not so caution about things like come on I can tell you lot more about me not been cautious about things which are amazing friend you all can be my friend straight of the blog guys.

Hi my name is Ashley I do not think that when it comes to starting socializing I would not be cautious about things like how long they take to make new friends and also I would not be refuse to be giving out my things that might e do with giving out facebook name twitter name email address those the things that sometimes people give out first with the little bit about the phone number I shall tell you bit about that below this.

Well one thing I like to be telling about some time with people who been cautious about giving out mobile number is because the safety of them worried about danger and stranger which is understandable for that question  but with em when it comes to answering phone to other companies they give out the phone number and emails to me so I can get in touch with people I give out my number to trusted company like scouts youth clubs  jobs anything that they need your contact details for them to get in touch with them anyway if it a friend that you now then that is different if people refuse or cautions because they are looking at the safety side of it but then, of course, it not fair to me if I want to make new friend get to know them then I shall starting giving out the personal information to them anyway guys.

Also I am going to  explain further in Facebook now has when I made new friend or got the friend that I have is that I give out my Facebook  name so they can get in touch with each other so let me say to you that chatting with friends on Facebook fun entertaining amazing awesome loving in it that how I found things fun   but some people say Facebook is not the same has met up wit friend  in person I agree with lot of you out there is it not and also it is a waste of time customizing has well yes it does you agree with that everyone. So it is very  amazing how we can say that when we go on Facebook you chat with them online but the problem is that what it hasn't got is the subtitle where We communicated where people friends families might have trouble with understanding each other on Facebook this is why it more important to be meeting up in person so they can get the idea for understanding each other without using Facebook unless you are using Facebook voice chat video chat.

When I was using Facebook to be chatting with friends is that some time when you think that god sack I want to invite my friends to be able to go out with them on my own  but the problem with me I can't be able to go out after  I had no travel training at all when it came to going out when I was 11 years old my parent been controlling over me for nothing at all and not following the law illegally government rules at all so basically it not what young people want it they want the travel training to be able to gout with their friends on their without parent but if you are age under age I am not sure about that has my has is over and done with from coming to under to over age so I am pretty sure that anyone from under might have parent permissions before you go out on your own so they are understand that you are safe in the community you are not going to be doing naughty things like other adult will do so so if inviting friends on facebook is annoying then.

Why is there a problem with going out with friends over many years this is what my problem been going out with friends is not really happening for me I hadn't had this magazine opportunity before now this year the finally year for me to be going out and about with friends and my support workers well after I invite my friend Liam we met up in person and after that we see each in person not on facebook obviously annoying when my friends on facebook do not understand about friendship at all I would be likely to understand more friendship than annoying  goes together has I learn this at autism west midlands and learning on the internet for further details about friendship in person.  

 Here is I can extremely give you a huge massive reason for why friends on facebook are not bothering coming out than been on online not in person.

1, One is that sometimes parent control over their average teenager / young adult age under age I am pretty sure for those who are still under age will have to have parent permissions or going with parent you might know more than I do but do not worry that information will be put down to my blog anyway guys. 

2, Sometimes when parent think about controlling teenager and young adult over age it means that they are not even following the law or they will be worried about their daughter or sons when it coming to meeting up with people so listen to me teenager and young adult there is nothing stopping you from meeting up those you make friend within old school old colleges or university youth clubs social clubs there is nothing stopping from going  like me I have the power to say what I think about teenager and young adult going out with their own friend on their has they will grow up and been told what to do by following the law illegally from the government rules.   

3, When I was underage I couldn't be allowed to go out with friend now I am over age I am able to have more in life than I used to have in the past tenth which sounds like to me sometimes parent will control over because of the danger outside when I think that Birmingham safety city in the world  been so the police are the people talk to if they might found something dangerous out there that will take them to the down ground with the danger people even dangerous is their police out their to be looking out for those things anyway so what I think I about this country is that there are rules and laws genes robbery and criminals so going with friends that is not stopping you unless you stopped them unsafely risk of harm which will harm the public it really good when going out with friends you get so much and life freedom without controlling from parent.

4, I am able to get out and about doing thing with friends more than doing things with family put like I say I am willing to be going out with my and dad  and the group of the rest of my family loves ones some time with teenager and young adult they more likely to say to you parent when they invite their mate through facebook phone calls text emails so I am sure that parent does not mean to control them at all teenager and young adult out there reading through my blog.

5, I am very positive after going through the negative about parent control over me for no reason at all  my mum and dad said that they didn't when the answer is that is lie lying to their daughter and sons. 

More on this update another time thanks guys for reading my blog I appreciate it all t you out there  

6. say something like what is your  favourites  food hobbies trips out  Celebrities toys games  Music  or you could also say which does help me to understand about each other autism.

7. You could say  for those who might not understand about other Special needs.

8. you could say what is your favourites subject in school or college.

9. you also can say  what are you going to be doing over the weekend that another one you can say kids and young adults.

10 you can either say what are you going to do  when you leave school this year next year few months time. 

11.  You can also say When you leave school what are you going to be doing are you going to college or getting a job straight way. 

12. What are you going to be studying when you leave school when you go to college for those who going to college in September. 

12. Also, you could either say do you have any other love ones in your family.

13.   Also, you can say about I like you has a friend are we going to be staying has friends not break up from each other.

14.  Also, a good one is that what Pets do you have at home.

15.  Also, you can say is what is your favourites teacher in school. 

16. Also, you can  say what is  your best mate in school. 

17. Also, you can say that are you my best friend.

18. Also, you can say to each other you look very smart today.

19. Also, you can say  what is your favourites colour.

20. Also, you can say is what kind of day did you have today in a nice respect way, not nasty way god sick kids and young adult. 

21. Also, you can say how are things in life.

22. Also, you can say what lessons have you got next that very good for those who might be interesting asking friends about the next sessions they might be in school or college. 

23. Also, you can say I like your jumper or joggers t-shirts tracers trainers socks glass hair colour.  

24. Also, you could say to your friends if you want to do you fancy coming around to my house one day that also where kids and young adult could build their friendships skills in school or college youth clubs you name a place anywhere in the world. 

25 Also, you can say where did you go on holiday over the 6 week summer holiday.

Keeping the conversation is difficulties  sometimes when it comes to problems like mental heath that some time might take off the attention from the kids making friends or moods swings might  also taking of the kids or young adult anyway.  

It really did happen to me when I am in the bad mood but can't just get rid of it and worried about something can't get rid of bullying also one of them can';t just get rid of at all what is up with people lately going around stopping kids or young adult from not having the chance to make new friends when they is a problem for those who get bullied because that person is stopping them from making them few more welcome and happy  and not having the tools for the friendships and relationships skills teaching.

I really like to say that I had no skills in  friendships and relationships with anyone and because of my anger that I can't stop or control it because of my own  annoying mental heath issue that course more than anyone who really does not like to look after me at all or treating me if my body was been sort out properly then I shall be hoping to learn how to control my own anger in the first place then that will get people realize that Ashley is trying is hardest to make friends but never had the right guidelines to the step by step making friends at all. 

So those are a lot of step by step to go around about making the form of friendships please do me favour make sure that you respect one each other when you start making friends because an end of the day if you don't then you might ending up losing friends very quickly anyway. 

So with all those things you are most likely to start building  friends more and more you go around about saying those things the better life will be  the better the everyone get a friend to go out and about enjoying themselves and having a good laugh and chat with them, everyone. So see how simple it can be when I start making friends  when I have a suitable placement for me to go and enjoy I shall be hoping to help others out that might not now anything about autism at all.  

But like say that I can also be with everyone life helping them to build friendships with kids and young adult life's not parent or older adult anyway so I have some few things that do with social life for right that they don't have to stay indoor all day and night just because of the money crunch we went through since 2011 2012 2014 2015 which 3 months ago anyway but like I say that this about getting out in the community doing things that the kids enjoy more than parent will be sitting watching the kids enjoying themselves.

Some few things that parent that will be included teacher in different education placement they might not know or understand about the social life I know that when it comes to school problem teacher might think that school kids are doing something either rude or something that I am not sure about it anyway but one thing that I can say that the kids only allowed to is making friends and build that and get the kids or young adult to make form of friendship if the school and youth clubs college residential care homes depending the sort of care home it is you might found some places that the young adult and kids will be able to go and learn bit about relationships and friendships  lessons after school thing part of their activities plan.

Here are the main keywords for going out and about in the community life

1. Every child and young adult have the right to go to youth clubs cinema bowling meals out day out trips scout groups young people music workshops   young people camps adventure sport like swimming hockey clubs  football clubs  basketball clubs badminton clubs disco clubs social clubs   pubs now and then. 

But I want to leave that for the minute and I like to discuss on my behalf my new residential placement what things an autistic young adult and included kids can really do the things that they can achieve in their own financial skills achieved  their own life independent skills living. 

Things that young adult / kids can also do them with support by their parent staff Teachers.

Here are the few things

1. If I can paint has autism guy so can other young adult and kids can 

2. if I can learn how to cook food with the support that I am really getting at my new placement so can the young adult and kids get the support they needed in time.

3. If I can learn how to decorating my bedroom the final answer is that young adult and kids can learn how to decorate with supporting their own bedroom In what every kind of style they most like to be having a good night sleep in their private bedroom time.   

4. If I can learn how to shop for any kind of shops in the community then so can young adult and kids can do the same with a lot of support with them at all time.  

5.  If I can learn to how to type a single word on the computer which years ago I couldn't able to this so much information I only can type around about word cat dog and that all bit silly yes it guys. 

6. If I can learn how to bake a cake really nice with some feel support on it then that what autistic can do through that advice that I am giving you now guys.  

7. If I can learn how to pay for my own things so can other young adult and kids can also learn to how pay for their own things without overspend their money to be gone for good. 

8. If I can learn how to be cop in the community but not make so fuzzy about been autism guy but does not make so much life to hard but easy for me cop with guess what the next final answer is so can young adult and kids they need to be able to cop in the crowds like concerts shopping centre pubs crowds restaurants crowds  youth places crowds  school environment crowds  colleges crowds   cinema crowds trips out crowds  and so on in the community as well  as not able to be coping with the general  public.

9. If I can learn how to budget my money but you seems to have a single problem with kids and young adult then the faction is that the young adult and kids are treated to learn how to leave some money in the rainy weather we day. 

10. If I can learn how to go out in the most place so can young adult and kids have the right opportunity get out way from cleaning house all day long it get boring most of the time trying to not keep the kids in the house all day they  do have the more problem with houses than going out in the community making new friends . Place that there haven't been before place that it took them so long to get out and enjoy the world before the world starts falling to peas.  


Can a Young man

( I like to say that when did Ashley had any form of relationships and friendship for what long guys )

Well here is few fact  about me which I am not going to name myself because already now what my name is anyway. 

1.  I didn't I have the life experiencing in a community I  mean I had no chances to make new friends I don't think my last life wasn't the success at all I wish I had more opportunity than I shall be having last few months ago. It was upsetting me all through the year nothing to do nowhere to go and not even able to get the time to make new friends no one to be my friend at all no one care's  just like my own family doesn't that time onwards so can you see how boring life can someone  with autism getting pushed around and complaining about there is nothing going on in the United kingdom no world likes me because my anger.

So guys please do be careful on what your kids are saying to you and what they moaning and complaining about   listen to your son's or daughter all time if you don't listen to them and their moaning and complaining what are the matter with parent not doing that you can sometimes hear them moaning because they might not have the right opportunity to be making new friends  and going out with friends. And also  yes we care about the money but I don't care about myself not having the chance to make new friends and there for is that parent need to be listening to their own sons or daughter because how do you accepted to ignore them when they might be saying it calmly way not anger voice raise way parent. 

here is my agreement to the kids and young adult stress point few on those stressful kids and young adult pecking to lease be out into eh community not staying indoors all the time been on the laptop watching TV all day in the boring cold or hot house anyway parent.

well here are the right agreement for me to stick up far the kids and young adult who tried so many time to get parent attentions but they don't seem to be bothering at all anymore last few months then this month going ahead with this blog sticking up for parent kids and young adult. 

1. I agree that the kids are had enough more than parent or the police dealing with bad behaviours in house or in the community damaging the world a bad life for them self's

2.  I agree with the kid's boredom life they face  through last months terms  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 possible going on to the next year 2016 in five years time or next few months.

I shall be agreeing with kids and young adult what life they having last few months ago seating at home whole someone doing the lazy side of it while the kids are bored complaining about that dad mum I sick of staying home mum dad I am sick wasting all my hard boring life in the house mum and dad what kind of parent are you all out their thinking let just leave the kids and young adult alone to moan and complain about there are damn bored to death all through this years ago mum and dad what can you do  think of something even now it cost money all the time.  

4.   I will understand every kid and the young adult point on their behaviour why they are behaving  badly and why they might be behaving like this before or years or months ago school teacher-parent colleges youth workers residential care home other resident homes in the community.  If I complained to David Cameron because he is one of the rubbish men which you all going to  agreeing with me that does the government MPs understand about how boring is united kingdom going to be until next five years in next few months going ahead with the slowing the government down because they can't do their job properly in the united kingdom showing use their care about the general public community advice. 

5. I understand how it going to be boring hard life when comes to staying home and not getting out in the community making new friends.  Making the most of their life before the next life might change soon enough does not matter what the age limited its matter of getting them to make new friends all the time in the year parent any who does not understand about autism affecting their own life might die for it instead not live for it instead.   

. I will complete understanding about that mental heath they might be facing which is no good and I will understand about that how they might be feeling so well what can you say about me telling the truth about autism not lies like the 50% of lies will understand about their own autism moment  which they might not have autism they might be a boring people to listen to about autism spectrum disorder presentation from their own point of their mouth.  So who is telling the truth about autism I am because I shall understand anything that the kids and young adult will be coming from and I can believe in young adult and kids speech out about problems they might be facing in the  year.    

7.   I like to talk back to the sitting at home doing boring things that the chance that the kids most like not bother to do them all day every day is one cleaning the house all day even coming back from the school hard working day not chance parent for you telling the kids and young adult if they are welling to help out in the house what the there most problem is that boredom I assume that I can more than happy to put together a little bit a story do with boring life everyone is having at this time because of the government cuts.   

8. I just remind everyone that never see your kids going back been boredom life get them doing things outside of the community not spending all day doing like the street game where there is no street game at all so what is the matter with you kids playing on the street. 

                    (What kind of opportunity do kids or young adult have )
Well what kind does your kids and young adult have a single opportunity for going out in the community 0% nothing that right kids and young adult seems to be bored because they sick of staying in the boring life house and  more this going to be caring the more they will be bored to tears that what autism all about life when they are not been entertain all the time, not a one day they divers to be entertain.  
What part does Parent understand about autism in boredom and not enough youth clubs in the country and never had the chance to get out in the world and aspire  the community what the kids young adults want in last few months ago so do me a single biggest favour please get them before they get to start playing fights in the street get them doing something that will keep them busy all the time. 
What kind of life does the kids and young adult I can tell you that boredom lifestyle that the kids and young adult will be having so many years boredom life play fighting life instead so I rather be doing things like go to a youth groups projects scouts park going to the park playing football club cricket club swimming club and other sport clubs. 
Difficulties  Socializing with others   
I like to talk about how I found so difficulty in socializing with others well it a very strange thing for many people across the country for those who has been through the same hard annoying lifetime with socializing with others you will now get the understanding why some young adult and kids will not now or where to start socializing wit other in a small group's medium groups large groups x large groups massive size groups.
1. I some time going back to the last few months I found socializing is one of the world annoying life never stop getting my life and my mental heath sort out I wish I could go back to my old school days where I love school I mean everyone it does not mean that everyone is going to be saying blew our school is just like hell not good enough school education.  I really did love school and I really did love the teacher so much it a positive thing for me to lease get you guys to understand why I love school and why I loved it more than anything in the world around me at all time.  
Soi really does think to go to back to where I was without mental health issue it is going to be great but not the answer I can't go back to the normal without mental heath issue been bothering.
But I want to say that yes it was the worse and bad thing for me to not be able make new friends with anyone in my old age groups at school been so the school age was so different pair to my age was 18 years old and that the day where I was in  the sixth form doing than standing like a  police officer security guard that my friends would say to me all the time.   at my old secondary school so let me take this answer is the right answer for any general public will see this question you all might think this is so just laughing out tears it could be that kind of thing but the problem is that mental heath affects my behaviour that has been stopping making any form of friendships at all time. 
I also like to bring up some very good ideas for the school class lessons is that you should be able to have the funding for relationships class sessions discussions with kids and six from about do they found making new friends in school  so hard and so annoying to try and get somewhere to have friends that they could chat with when they leave school in the year that is no more than excuses for any school college youth groups residential care homes for sessions time to talk about how to make new friends while you are all waiting for me to be visiting  different place and placement 
I just want to recap on the last few months ago when I was so annoyed and very angry and stress and very upset about that I can't make any form of friendships relationship at all if I was now able to make new friends that will be a massive achievement for me and my family guys you do not now my family because they are stranger to you all out there and we are stranger to you guys so believed or not I shall be making new friends and I already made a relationships with one of the friends with a girl so that something that I learn that other could do the same if they fancy of having a girlfriend and boyfriend.   
2. I have never made a single friend in my lifetime last few months when socializing was a worse thing for me to even make new friends and because didn't not but in so much effort  my age has now gone to 22 years age which I have to be with another young adult my own age instead which is not really good enough because I want to go back to be a young kid instead anyway.  It really is upsetting me at my new placement thinking about the past, not the future what is going to be holding me this year around anyway. 
Parent controlling kids teenager  young adult
Well, everyone and parent, I like to be taking some time with you talking about controlling over someone that they need to be control over for nothing. 
Let take some look into controlling someone 
Controlling over someone is not nice but it not a good thing for anyone who really haven't had any freedom lifestyle of them own instead. 
I like to review on my friend Liam who now me since a long time ago when I was having some sort of bad day at my new placement and didn't have the relationships and friendships lessons teach meat my life years ago this is what my life and my friend Liam which he might not mind saying the name anyway. 
Me and my friend Liam been tackling each other hard life years ago I can't believe my friend Liam have to go through the own hardship  life years with some bad experiencing the problem that took my friend Liam to get over and done in the last two years ago I can't say any more than what I only can say what he said to me. 
I really do like to have every world to lease understand what my  friend Liam went through the most horrible experiencing and staying in  the house last two years getting controlled over the own parent instead of him control the parent instead. I really do think thinking about things that make everyone life so miscible is not really what no one really wants to be facing at this time onward 
So let me talk about the meaning of controlling over someone who hasn't had any freedom I can say the little bit about me instead first of.
I really do think in my own word and everyone have different pine in some ways another side of  the truth guy has the real truth side of controlling someone for an example below this is a few example of them one thing that might make feel so upset and angry annoyed and frustrations.   
1. I went through this problem where my parent did control over me they didn't let me do much of way going out with friends that why my parent does not really understand anything that I do understand it more than no one else  does at all.

2. How every time I see someone with groups of friends but not me having that opportunity social life is important to em all these hours second and minute in the moths and years guys.
So what is stopping the rest of the kids young adult teenagers and so on so on stopping them from socializing  with their friends outside of their own homes in their private parent gardens  in the parks cinema bowling horse riding swimming clubbing youth clubs how many years was I been but in a parent homes and then saying that.
 I am sick of living with the parent all this horrible feeling complaining bored is bored nothing outside of the country do to don't blame kids or young adult teenager blame David Cameron for cutting of youth clubs blame for what he doing not understanding about autism in kids teenager young adult.

So who is the person going to be blamed for not having fun over year by year especial last few months when I had nothing plans for my friends in  year after I like to go out and about to the places that is my interests in things and the places that will attract my body from the mental health illness. 
I like to talk to you more about the illness side of that are stopping me from going out is that one seniors and sensitivities problems and every time I am feeling ill this was when I was at my old college and also this is when at home with parent there is more likely to take me of those socializing life is my mental health and food sickness nose connected to my throat sickness drink sickness so there is a lot of things that will be infecting me all the time from the socializing life sometimes not lot of time but that not now because I am at my new placement guys which are a positive stuff for me going out and making new friends and making the effort into the friendships making new friends going in the community.

So I really just think that going out in the community is better than staying your life and my life indoors all the time so the possible chance that I shall be able to go out in the community for this good chance and having so fun I can tell you that controlling over someone who does not need to control over for any reason at all guys this included parent more than anyone else out there  so it fun happiness cheerful less controlling over someone more likely behaviour stop continuing and the stress will stop the anger issue with parent issue and upset.

 Also it will stop the police for keep coming back to deal with danger and parent issue anyway that more likely teenagers young adult so do you want to go to court for controlling over your own kids lifestyle teenager style young adult style Na parent I would spend time with your family not to go to the court but if that caring on in the issue will be down to the police so listen to truth guy I had it I understand how it will affect your in few months time start now parent please truth guy is here to help anyone in the world. You can see that in this image is that you will be in that where all I can see that there is no TV  Bed no cover also when I had a police office talking to me I said that no chance that I am not living I while living in my bedroom  where you get what the jail you don't get in there at all. here I give the for a reason for this one anyway parent and teacher  criminals robbery all of you out there in the world.

1. what do you think about living in this kind of world where rest is  living at this time, guys.  

2. What do you think abut other are living in this because the damage they might be doing to the general public at this time right here now it could be happening sooner enough or later guys behave you.  

3.  If you think about the fun you are having right now special when it summer holidays and no one who having fun is those who left in court for so many reasons to learn the wrong to the right one guys. 

4. I understand going to court jail for rest your life is boring but that the police rules and the manager of the police get told to do those things because that coming to the government laws rules and legally rules which sometimes you think  that I don't follow the rules I am very good following the simple sense bale  rules. That I am doing right in my own heart so guys if you do not follow the rules you will end up in court and guess what they will do if that I'm right when the police officer told me about damaging my manager Heidi and the head office of the London rules in the house so please do it the community I am asking you nicely kindly friendly adult way so don't think that I am been nasty or rude on this blog no is the answer just trying to make the country better place for everyone. 

5. If you think about  this jails and you can think your own mind that do you what I rather be good and not course so much trouble then the police and the government and the general public won't be going off and kicking off for this one and that goes to the kids and young adult teenagers if you do not understand what might take your life down I can see what that would be the government guess who is that David Cameron blame David Cameron he does not understand about he own family autism at all he of course been diagnosed himself years is that true and he brain work like it not truth guys brains work like understanding thing better and getting the clear in my own head not he own head at all about the funding need to be straight to the youth clubs more not anywhere else in the world. agreement or what guys.  

6.   Just be lucky that some of you are not in those who get involved with things  where some will be doing the following the rules but other will just care about doing the naughty things so please do think what can happen if you have to control the kids and young adult teenagers issue behaviour that will affect there freedom style life time parent..  

I will advise in a considering going to court or would you be in your own life doing wonderful things at home on holiday following the rules what the government defined in the country than let the country start following the rules before the truth guy becomes getting involved for so many reasons.  

this is what I like to defiled everyone problems is that you need to less understand how hard work isn't to be a police officer dealing with so many things that you need really understand they might be frustrating to the public but just think they are there to protected every person in the country from the bad boys who likely to be robbers criminals person.  So please do take on board what I said about the police officers there to talk to not be shouted at and more you just calm down the better that the police officer will able to listen to you more and more you likely to listen to them and they will listen to you as well like friends you listen to your friend then you listen to other friends anyway guys. 

I like to take another action of issue that I am getting in this country is that if you keep going on doing criminals damages guess who have to pay for all this you and I mean you will have to be paying for everything you damage  the property you can't afford to be paying for so many things that will take your life to jail not calming down and move when the police officer said go home go home simple as you say goodbye to your friend nice way, not the nasty way guys.   

I like to talk but more about the controlling over someone that if you think about this parent that taking some advance on not letting your daughter or sons out and about what can you say the behaviour is going to condition coursing Behaviour Affect Behaviour in kids young adult so think about that how the behaviour is affected their futures and not having the chance to be with friends more than  been families all the time so the main keywords. 

Let your sons Or Daughter have freedom life now and then if they are older enough to be out on their own  let see them grow very well and  happy let them, have the few months ahead start before they seem they are willing to look after them self in a good positive way and good behaviour way.  

Let the freedom of life begins  this year 2015 I will be accepting some of my life will change to next level where I shall be telling you about me controlling over my friends is it  good that if control  my friends  tonight is that a positive or negative thing well let me tell you little bit more in action now guys.

Well regarding to this matter issue I am sure that me can't not every control over my own friends or family or anyone I the world  I can't even control over no one so what is the point of controlling someone and  you are ending losing friendships and also relationship in the matter controlling this is also parent controlling over the kids and teenager and young adult freedom life do not think that I am blaming anyone but please ( stop think and do ) 

Here is few question for parent anyone else in the world more likely parent recording to myself in autism experts.    

Also, I give you a few story about me in my life where my parent did control over me pass months ago guys. 

Hey, welcome to me going to be talking about my parent who has been controlling over me and my brothers but that pass went ago but still talking for another who might still be doing this all the time. In last few ago.

which was in 1992 years ago I was a little young boy even I though that it wasn't nice to be controlling over me for nothing and because all that was letting me down which I can understand that I wasn't old enough I been kept measuring my mum all around about saying,

I want this I want that I want this and I want it all and I want now please give me it to me now thank you mum  and also dad so what happen not Ashley if you are going to be like that then you can't not have it all because you already got a few kids toys kids clothing but this is just me thinking if I can remember pass ago when I was young boy that time but I am just making it up as I can't remember been so it been a long years ago remembering when you was young or older.  So it is hard for em to remember but that is a short story  about me.

But you kids and teenager and young adult you can see why that time we couldn't afford so much other we will be not able to pay the bills to pay for car insurance house insurance as well put if you have enough money for all that then you are very lucky at that time I wouldn't remember what government we had that time I think it could be Gordon Brown.

Hey, guys, I am going to be of this blog but don't worry I am not leaving I am trying my best to get something sort for my new website anyway guys and the video in place as well speak soon everyone.

We will be just moving on from criminal in autism to a brand new topic which is part of the experiencing in friends and I  think everyone will enjoy this topic it called how I experiencing in a diffcuities time making new friends online  with the most safety ways do it

( Welcome to my experiencing in friends everyone ) 

My  experiencing  in making new friends was very difficulties it because my mental health will affect anything to everything all around my hard life last 40 years going back to a few months ago I will at less back to my 11 years old kid I wasn't able to make new friends because guess what the word Can't everyone loves to be saying that annoying word Can't I think after saying word Can't was just making my life so pissing off but you now I didn't contract and think straight at that time with me been s shy nervous and scare about making new friends it was so taking my life with mental health issue down to the bottom of the ground and I had a few life with other friends tempting me to take some serious action on making new friends. 

So you can see why making new friends is very difficulties when you have not had the right guide for it and it amazing when you think about getting very shy for a long time and long year with mental health affecting all my social lifestyle in able make new friends and never had the same whole skills what I hadn't years ago it been stuff and suffering life with trying to make new friends even I know that would be reason for my mental health affect my words saying can't make new friends when there is a reason for making new friends I am sure that you lot out there having the same issue about how difficulties and strange is it been a alone person not able take some sort of friendships and relationships issue that will be getting mental health way from people life from having the chance to socializing with other and making any formula  of friendships in the world at all it not what I am want to be taking my life  through that time after time is it everyone.  

So it been a nonopportunity for me to start thinking about making new friends it harder solutions founding the solution is going to be harder enough when the mental health is all in my own way and stopping me from making new friends in any places at all. Taking the very hard lifetime and not able to see anyone like who got the experiencing in making new friends last month's ago this was so bugging me every time I said that I want to make new friends then the very slices is that I didn't have the chance to do.

 If my mental health wasn't so bugging me in the last few months time and I had the everything done and solved then the matter faction is that why can't I make new friends without mental health issue all the over through the last past month ago I bet you all thinking I am feeling sorry for you Ashley I am very sorry to hear about that you couldn't make new friends at all because my mental health issue been playing up  for million of the damn years ago so sick  yen it guys yeah well it does when you agreed with me on this one. 

Let take back from the past think when is the best life do this and without mental health issue affecting our life so pooling life with mental health affecting in my friendships skill lessons skills I been doing in the past but the issue not been solved after my life took to the bad start without noticing it  it never hardcover on the satisfactions with any form of knowledge in friendships even I had mental health issue  taking the age when I was in primary schools secondary school residential college  another residential college  staying home for seven months from now nothing authorizes the issue after trying my best because we can't be perfect at everything in life we are not the same people with the same faces doing the same things over and over again other we will be getting confuses and we will explode  out of anger other guys.   

So it hard for me thinking about my worries sadness upsets angry and unrecoverable year not able to be treated with the right respect with the teacher not known what up with my moods lately after they pull me out of the lessons and took me in  quiet area room or a conciliation room to talk about what happen with my behaviour wise so they did take me out of there and never thought about my  mental  health more than my behaviour so what is the matter with school college residential care foster care homes residential colleges or residential  schools  university youth clubs play schemes does not matter who you are start taking more responsibility for your own  action how everyone is feeling right for their bad days to a worse bad days  I respect every person who been through this yes my difficulties been in a bad storm ways from not making form of friendship words that I will talk to you more about below this.

Right, I want to recap on how many people who been through this problem how they been saying the word can't I really can't do this and I really having the hard day  from making new friends in this moment  to matter fact. 

Well has you see on the right-hand side of this page is the word can't I am so shock there is word in a logo say can't make new friends, I can't get a girlfriend or boyfriend it difficult and hard to make new friends  I am having a hard time at this moment it bugging me to tears no one even got no guideline step by step in the world to  teach anyone to help me to make new friends. It been boring stupid life for me I am tired of trying my best over the years trying to make a single effort into making new friends so I do not have bad behaviour issue towards it anger will go if I had the safeguarding on how to make new friends with the right tools and lessons for it. 

So just think what this blog will do for the god safer behind this  computer systems you can't see me but you can understand where I am coming from guys I wish I could go back to my reality  younger age under age but that is in possible for me do so that part of life when every you had a bad year from not making new form for friends or didn't get your fair share in making new friends I am really sorry now stop think and do wait minute guys I have the power and the straight to stop the word can't to yes I can I can make new friends yeah what a  fantastic  year so far guys for me to able to get the most of my issue way from my social skills and my interdependent skills at my new placement but I still not think for most of my last month wasn't good enough not even good enough at all it poor and coming down illness upsetting my shitting life most of my hard time thinking okay let think before the reactions start taking place in the countries.   

I just like to thanks myself from doing this which I have been working hard but still taking the time to do this over and over again how would I say to you all out there if I am having / ADHD / with friendships /  special needs /  autism / autistic  /   letting me not having the time and hours minute second to make new friends with anyone at my old school because my primary school under age limited for those who are still under age I was so pissed of about this not able to make new friends than worrying about life mental health  headaches illness food sickness and much much more into this issue I been through the years by years stopping me from taking the time and effort into friendships skills all the way from my hard life been through.

I like to go back to a topic that we are still talking about word can't here below is some things I have been heard from people saying that word can't when they can do it without  worries bothering them emotion feelings kicking from there body stopping them all the time in friendships skills.

1, I can't even try or tempt to put so much effort into making new friends is that the way you're bad attached gonna take to the next level guys think about this kids young adult teenagers.

2,   I can't and I am not bothering to put in a single effort into making a form  of friendship or relationship at all.

3,  I do not care if I do have friends or no friends because guess what everyone there is no form of guidelines to even tempted to help anyone for of young adult kids teenagers those who been left out for no reason to so many reason people listen to me by so close to me and read this no form of guiltiness no form of skills tools need to this problem need to be solved over pass months which is going back to 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 all over through that problem has no one thought about friendships relationships lessons the country no guys. 

4, What is it when I can't make it but I can't do it when some people in the world missing out of lot of good things like to youth clubs one of them making new friends internet is another good place to make new friends of course internet is better to socializing than even going to youth clubs there are no more youth clubs after the government cuts. school makes new friends college make new friends scouts make new friends university make new friends jobs make new friends.  

So all of that thing I have been said is the best place for making new friends and keep the friendship and also relationship going on and on until we all start exploding out life around a place.  

5, I wish I could make new friends years ago if I had a lot of skills and tools for it   then I shall be  going ahead to start the new roll of making new friends in any places I go to in the world. 

6. If I had the opportunity to  think about looking into youth clubs under age  for my under age 11 years then things will not be so bad but because the government been messing up the country there is no way we will be able meet new people under age  for me  so that didn't authorized because the issue and hassle I had at home with parent taking a single mickey on the fact that youth clubs are there to be taking the kids out of street or homes away from been with their parent what did I can even say to every parent no more stopping the poor kids lifestyle you are never seen kids going on the street homes  boring of the ground pecking for a youth clubs to happen where the place for fun activities meet new people that the place for the everyone to be with their own age parent.

When I was in my late year ago I been picking for someone to help me with making new friends  having fun making them happen but the answer I never had the effort into this at all guys. 

( So that was negative  though about making new friends and how difficult it was with mental health issue )

Now we are a good rolling stone Positive though guys  so I like to make this a good positive though news for this 2015 year how I got to be making new friends on the roll and where can I do that to start the good  conversations.

Well, I was thinking about how and where shall I but the good positive effort into making new friends guys.

I been thinking and when I was telling my manager Heidi been so there is no youth clubs or social clubs anywhere in the world for to get myself into making new friends so I thought the best only one is call the internet place like dating friendships website only for making new friends is good but the safety is a risk so if you are thinking about making new friends on the internet for above age only and also there is underage chat room is bet if you get your parent to make sure that those dating friendship website are the right age and suitable for you but with me thinking about this website I was clever enough to be looking after my life for to make new friends because I know what I am doing I know the way around of it and healthy safety because I did this at my old college so I know how to be safe on the internet already. 

So let get cracking on the first effort I lease but into this hard work and it was scaring making new friend I was having hard at first making new friends that called thinking to much Negative thought about can't really make  one friend start of with  then it will grandly build up nicely and nicely going for me and then of course I learn from been having issue with my body to not getting this body of mine in the way of socializing  so the positive news that I did start making form of friendship guys so what can you say about me taking off like an air plane  going well with socializing skills so I start making tons and tons of friends on the internet asking if they are very nice people and some people out there is really nasty guess what I well tell you now guys.

For everyone understanding in my life story difficulties in friendship I had one person who was saying that you are not my  typed well listen up then everyone for those nasty  people who haven't got no friend of their own special friends from primary schools secondary schools  colleges university youth clubs scouts if you are one of those nasty people special in the community and telling other when they like to be friend with you then please do me favour and get life because you now what I felt when some from website the name isn't going to be mentioned at all but he know who he is now because I am telling the world  about you so have you heard that  for a second time I had that person saying to me your not my typed of person sorry 

don't you think that is rude or what guys but how well I was been respectful person at this time but I can't say nothing else than I can only say hello my name is Ashley I like to be your friend and later one in the day he came back and said hello who are you  then I said I am Ashley I like to be friend with you so this is going to those nasty people who haven't got any sense of human because they don't know how to be nice at all is that an agreement guys.

So here are the simple rules for showing you some good behaviour when it comes to making new friends.

1, Respecting other means that you are willing to show that you can be a nice person, not a negative person talks about negative thought in your head. It also can be things like you are not being friendly but nasty very nasty person you might be this is where you were are not going anywhere because you think they might want to be your friend. When they might be thinking after what happen I do not want to be your friend anymore.

2, If you showing something like me will control my behaviour before I can have any friends at all if I been negative to my friend Liam he will end up telling his mum that well if he is been rude then don't bother to be the friend that how simple some people don't understand about friendships at, also don't understand how to be nice to anyone at all.

3,  I like to tell you some fact about controlling your own behaviour and respecting is to stop think and do before you start taking of the planet with friends then fouling out with someone you love or like okay guys.

4, Respecting someone is good not bad thing It good because you know how to be nice person and they will say well I like this person because he or she is been very nice to me I think this person is a world top model understand how to be nice to each other I am definitely  got to say that respecting is taking you to next level where were able to have friendships with another friendship guy.

That how you should be respecting others in the world guys that goes for  kids respecting in school student respecting in college  university student Youth clubs kids young adult that how you should be doing is control yourself and emotion feelings you have in your body  that make you feel ill and sick and you don't want to be doing 

  Respect people in the way social life and respect based on friendships Girlfriends Boyfriends!

Well let's get started on talking about respecting to friends this is a single question for people to lease answer this question do you think not respecting your friendship means anything do with what been going on does it means that you will get anywhere in life at all do you think that not respecting friendship means anything to you well those the story I want to put together an advice for those who thinks that anything is all about not respecting to respecting friendships when having social life in the holidays and going to activities.  

So respecting how important is respecting to many of people in the world it very likely more important than you been nasty to people at all time so let me say to you if I was very impolicy person to the community and I wasn't very nice guy then what you would you like to be thinking about me and telling the world the truth about things not a nice man his he so that how it all goes with other people when no respecting you lose lot of things when you respect you engaged more things to do in lifetime, It very huge impact how people turn to be nasty to the community and  ending up been like a Syria world war 1 world war 2 world war 3 those people out there ending up in jail for no respecting other loves ones those who goes there ending up getting punishment for not respecting not for stop to the most wonderful loving people they been killing over many years ago since many year back those people will be going to jail to learn there lessons from been nasty people in the first place so please do not be like those real nasty ones that just like killing anyone random whole thing they could do more better of in jail, not in the world where the lessons have always going to be learning there own big stupid mistake they ever done in the last past month ago.

So let me tell you now I have something that people will now start thinking about this straight away without been so completed nutty about not showing people that if you can't respect others then what is the point on them respecting you in the first place if you been horrible then why can't they been horrible back to you instead which will be looking into this later date but at this time we will still talk about respecting friendships girlfriends boyfriend community teacher youth worker is time and what is the time people it time to start respecting other that the time say it again what is the time people time to start respecting people life so I will give some serious matter about how people, are not respecting it can be on online dating site respecting is another thing for online dating and community face to face in person manners  is the world of mouth in manager comes out of your own mouth you do not realize what you are saying that might be harmful to other in the world.

Here are few keywords that  will get people understand them which most of us do not understand at all in the first place anywhere in the world.

1, We All need to think why respecting does affect your behaviour in the first place why on four stop respecting no one is more likely to becoming out your own words of mouth so in fact that couple things that people are not respecting is following the laws and illegally rules those most people are not respecting government rules at this time  moment so when I come to see you I shall be teaching your all biggest favour lesson so please watch out for the action taking off when I come to police station teach nasty people how to start respecting with the images and videos showing how nasty horrible ones can't respect anyone in the world at all.

2,  if you respect someone they respect you back if you do not think they want to respect you but been so rude my advice is to leave and walk away they will learn there own hard way in the future terms  if some one like nice guy from the truth guy said hey hello hi how are you doing g that is called respecting by saying hi hello hey mate okay people got this one now have you I hope so.

3, Let me respect your personality  if I said to you in person what is your most personality about me and my ideas brand that also respecting you and you will have to respect me as well if I came and talk to you about my branding website ideas. 

4, let me give you a single glue  for many of you out there who are very nice seems to be getting somewhere for many of you out there are not very nice will be having their lessons learn from the real truth guy thanks to every police officer for doing and trying their best to get people to start respecting other in the community I will  be taking over very soon indeed god know when that going to be but let me tell you in 2020 I shall be in my own life in the community doing a documentary video DVD for people who can't respect the whole wide world then here is the truth guy coming to your history respectful I'm I obviously true answer here so let given this a best 2016 years until next 4 years to come please start respecting other help other out help them by given something back by respecting them like I said to you I shall be given something back by donation to most wanted poor people and most upsetting time of the year for those who has through lot of hassle issue lately.

So here is the most wanted country I shall be respecting them so much caring young man who will be given huge massive grand on internet millionaire money to those very want people in the country so here is the most want country that I am more likely to be given the donation every five years for them to live.