human rights

 Hello everyone

Human right is what we all have right to do the things that we loved doing right is very good been so we get to do things that we have the right to do them so human right is what we are we all in the country have the right to do them having right to do the thing that we love is very good because it give the chance to say what right you have. 
so let go and talk about what rights we have in every country so let crackdown on talking about them now.
So there are so many rights that we have regarding freedom. Freedom is when we have freedom of right. So let me tell you what right you all have out there but this means that you have the right to go do anything you like as long as you stick with the klaw if you stick to the law follow them then you will be okay do those things been so it your right so within your right do not let anyone tell you that you do not have the right do those things everybody should of respect each human right been so it importnat thsat you have right to say something in your life.
1 You have the right to have kids
2 You have the right to go holiday
3 You have the right to to-express your feelings to someone
4 You have the right to speak to someone regarding your problem
5 You have the right to get a job
6 You have the right to connect with your loved ones
7 You have the right to move house
8 You have the right to enjoy what you love doing
9 You have the right to have your voice heard
10 You have the right to chat with someone you trust
11 You have the right to complain about something
12. You have the right to get the get-right treatment you deserve
13. You have the right to be educated
14. You have the right to have a boyfriend and girlfriend
15, you have the right to report someone if they are doing something that they shouldn't the been illegally
16.16: You have the right to put your opinion
17 You have the right to say if someone is breaking the law
18. You have the right, if you are not happy with the support you are getting from different services and organizations
19 You have the right to believe in whatever you believe in, so if it is god or jesus or father Christmas, that your right to believe in them
20 you have the right to get Married. If you want to get Married
21, you have the right to celebrate your birthday with your family 
22, You have the right to celebrate your friend birthday 
23 You have the right to have privacy when you need privacy 
24,  You have the right  claim your money back from anywhere like companies 
25, You have the right to report someone if you are been sexual assault by someone 
26. You have the right to go to court. If you are not happy with your claim, money back from someone who promises you that you can get your money
27 You have the right to change your name to another name. As long as you inform your loved one that you are going to change your name, that should not be a single problem for you
28. You have the right to change your hairstyle to what every hairstyle that you fancy having
29. You have the right to change your hair color to another color is you are not happy with your color hair. You can change to a hair color that will suit you the best
30, You have the right to setup your own business if you know hwo tos etup one
31, You have the right to vote for your local government wherevery you voting for labour party  or conservative party or green party leader
32, You have the right to change your life around to a better life 
33, You have the right to live on yor own or wth partner 
34. You have the right to be able to get support from people like your councilor, community nurses, social services,  citizen advice parent teachers police 
35, You do have the right to protecting your loves ones  from any silly crimes 
36, you do have the right to smoke outside of the premises in public place like in town  not indoors outdoors park
35, You have the right to care for your kidsin the way of giving them cook for them make sure that they have shower each day it can be showerr in morning or night or both way having shower 
Right that you do not have in them is that when you do something silly stupid you do not have the right to do them things been so it law for most things that you ending up going to prison for it if you don't have the right to do them let me talk to you list of right that you do not have at all. I know this very true  what I am saying but you need to understand that you do not have the right to do anything like what I mention below because end of the day you will only be in prison for 1 years two years 3 years 5 years six years it can go further on been in prison it can go on for rest of your life in prsion which means  that you will not able to see your friends family sorry to say that is true from me everyone. 
1, You do not have the right to go and kill someone love ones 
2,  You do not have the right to break the law 
3, You do not have the right to smash up someone property 
 4 You do not have the right to steal any product from the shops 
5, Yu do not have  the right to steal cars from the onwers 
 6, You do not have the right to to be a killer 
 7, You do not have the right to treat your kids unfairly 
8, You do not have the right to treat your kids like you do not care about them at all 
9, You do not have the right to go around been naked public place  that is not a good idea 
10, You do not have the right to smoke in pubs restaurant shops food shops music store many more reatiller that is under the law

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